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Our Vision

The animation shows a quick walkthrough of the envisioned evolution of SevenMaples from 2022 through 2026. This is broken down by year below.

Key areas include 
market garden plots to the east, a large berry patch and fruit tree orchard to the centre, and lavender fields to the west.

A caveat we like to put out front in order to help set expectations ... both with ourselves and others is that this is all a noble experiment that we want to embrace and enjoy as much as possible along the way. It's helpful to have goals and a vision of where you'd like to get to because it informs your direction, but what's important is to live the experience in the moment and not worry too much about whether you achieve every last thing you envisioned. What matters is trying something new, continually learning, and simply being happy with wherever it is that you get to. The journey is what is important. What we imagine now at the start of 2022 could indeed look very different by 2026, and we're okay with that. The only downside would be to never try something for fear of not making it. As long as you try, you're already ahead - physically, spiritually and emotionally. And that's all that really matters.

We'll report back in each year with a summary on where we got to. We'll also be blogging about our experiences along the way.


What we might imagine for 2022 ... includes the creation of the first 40' x 75' market crop plot to the east. A range of vegetables including tomatoes, various salad lettuces, carrots, onions, potatoes and beets will be grown. A Monarch Butterfly nursery with milkweed plants is established above the garden plot area. To the west, lavender fields are started. Blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and rhubarb are planted in the berry patch. The fruit tree orchard is started with cherry, plum, and a variety of apples trees. A temporary fresh produce stand is set up for our first harvest. 


What we might imagine for 2023 ... includes the addition of the second 40' x 75' market crop plot to the east. Cucumbers, bell peppers and broccoli are added to the mix. A small experimental wheat field is added to the southeast. A bee colony for the purposes of pollination and general interest is begun. To the west, the lavender fields are expanded further, and ornamental gardens are planted to the north. Blueberries are added to the berry patch. A permanent fresh produce stand is established to the southwest. The building of a new barn to the east and a greenhouse kicks off. 


What we might imagine for 2024 ... includes the addition of the third 40' x 75' market crop plot to the east. Cabbage, cauliflower and green beans are added to the mix. The lavender field, fruit tree orchard and berry patch are fully online. The ornamental flower gardens continues to expand. A farm entrance is added and people are able to tour the farm and learn about our small-scale organic farming experiment through a special SevenMaples Tour App. The new barn and greenhouse are completed. 


What we might imagine for 2025 ... includes the addition of the fourth and final 40' x 75' market crop plot to the east. Pumpkins, squash, parsnip and other fall vegetables are added to the mix. The ornamental gardens are completed. The Gazebo Heights viewing area is started to the northeast, and an experimental vineyard is planted to the east of this.  


What we might imagine by 2026 ... is the fully envisioned SevenMaples farm in operation . The Gazebo Heights viewing area is completed to the northeast, and the experimental vineyard area to the east is fully planted. 

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